École d’ingénierie mécanique et numérique

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Tribology & Materials

The "Tribology & Materials" topic is dedicated to the study of materials damage under loading. Damage can occur at the core of a given component (plasticity, fracture, fatigue) or at its surface (friction, wear, cracking and other tribological aspects).

The loading conditions can be severe (pressure, speed, temperature, humidity) in case of both dynamic and static loading. The studied materials are of numerous types: metals, composite materials (organic or metallic matrix), ceramics, elastomers or polymers.

Fatigue is a recurring matter in the research conducted by the Tribology & Materials team. It is a principle that consists in the accumulation of damage under dynamic stress which can result in the destruction of a given component at its core (volume fatigue) or at its surface (surface fatigue, involved in fretting-fatigue or micro-spalling). The study of these phenomena requires modelling work, as well as experimental work using original devices developed in the laboratory.

The study of micro-geometry is a means to put the materials properties at the centre of the high tribological performance of components that are in contact with each other. The research effort focuses on understanding the phenomena induced locally by the specific features of any component’s surface. One specific attribute of functional surfaces is their roughness, with altitude variations of the order of a micrometre, which by nature results in discontinued and stochastic contact between two components. Differences in nature and properties between the materials used at the surface of a component and at its core should also be taken into account, as well as differences between components in contact with each other.

Finally, damage analysis enables to enhance these researches, in order to relate damage to the micro-structures of different scales that can be observed with a given material. Damage can be induced by several types of loadings of mechanical (tension, torsion, bending, shock, crash-test, etc.) or thermal nature (welding for example). The development of manufacturing processes primarily based on powder metallurgy will complete this project. Those processes will enable to optimise material properties and take environmental considerations into account by using residual materials (metal chips or elastomers) in the composition of subsequently created alloys.




Tribology, , damage, fatigue, fretting, micro-geometry, mixed lubrication, materials, polymer matrix composites, metallic matrix composites, recycling.


Team members


Doctoral candidates

Konstantinos NIKOLAKOPOULOS, Amal BECHIKH, Rémi PIEGARD, Oumeyama HAMLAOUI, Bouthania EL AOUD, Mathieu ARROUZÉ.



Head of the team

Tony Da Silva Botelho

01 49 45 29 16

Recent publications

Moisture Diffusion, Compression and Degradation Mechanisms of Alfa Natural Fibers (Stipa tenacissima L.) Reinforced Epoxy: Experimental, Morphological and Numerical Analysis (lire)
Applied Composite Materials Springer Verlag (Germany) 2025
Lifetime Prediction of Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys (lire)
Applied Sciences Multidisciplinary digital publishing institute (MDPI) 2024
An investigation of recycled rubber composites reinforced with micro glass bubbles: an experimental and numerical approach (lire)
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies Taylor & Francis 2024 pp. 1-27
Surface roughness influence on the behaviour of biocomposite adhesive joints (lire)
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Elsevier 2024 283 pp. 109624
Deformation and cavitation at the spherulite scale of an isotactic polypropylene (lire)
Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics INRIA 2024
A three-dimensional finite strain volumetric cohesive XFEM-based model for ductile fracture (lire)
Engineering Fracture Mechanics Elsevier 2024 307 pp. 110275
Large strain cohesive XFE formulation for ductile fracture (lire)
ECCOMAS 2024 - 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2024
Assemblages collés, modélisation numérique et homogénéisation (lire)
16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024) 2024
Modèle XFE-Cohésif 3D pour le traitement de la rupture ductile en grandes transformations (lire)
16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024) 2024
Mechanical and radar absorption properties of sheep wool/epoxy composites (lire)
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald 2024
Friction Durability of Anodized Aluminum Alloy 2017A under Dry Conditions (lire)
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Springer Verlag/ASM International 2023 33 pp. 1457–1471
Unveiling the Strain Rate Sensitivity of G18NiCrMo3-6 CAST Steel in Tension/Compression Asymmetry (lire)
Applied Sciences Multidisciplinary digital publishing institute (MDPI) 2023 13 pp. 11891
Deformation and Cavitation at the Spherulite Scale of Semi-Crystalline Polymers (lire)
ACEX 16 - 16th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting 2023
Analysis of surface integrity of intermetallic composite based on titanium-aluminum machined by laser cutting (lire)
Optics and Laser Technology Elsevier 2023 161 pp. 109187
A XFEM-CZM Based Methodology for Finite Strain Ductile Fracture (lire)
CFRAC - The Seventh International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures 2023
Updated-Lagrangian XFEM formulation for ductile fracture in the finite strain framework (lire)
ICF15 -15th International Conference on Fracture 2023
Analysis of surface integrity of intermetallic composite based on titanium-aluminum machined by laser cutting (lire)
Optics and Laser Technology Elsevier 2023 161 pp. 109187
An Investigation to Achieve Good Surface Integrity in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Ti-6242 Super Alloy (lire)
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Springer Verlag/ASM International 2023
Assessing Cast Aluminum Alloys with Computed Tomography Defect Metrics: A Gurson Porous Plasticity Approach (lire)
Metals MDPI 2023 13 pp. 752
Friction Durability of Anodized Aluminum Alloy 2017A under Dry Conditions (lire)
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Springer Verlag/ASM International 2023 33 pp. 1457-1471
Classification of Different Recycled Rubber-Epoxy Composite Based on their Hardness Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) with Comparison Machine Learning Algorithms (lire)
MDPI 2023
3D nonlinear XFEM-CZM based methodology for ductile fracture (lire)
ESIS European Structural Integrity Society Technical Meeting on Numerical Methods 2023
Analysis of the microstructural features of phase transformation during hardening processes of 3 martensitic stainless steels (lire)
Metallurgical Research & Technology EDP Sciences 2023 120 pp. 117
Experimental Analysis of Surface Roughness in the Cutting Process of Sugar Palm Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composites with Laser Beam and Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Technologies, Journal of Applied SCience and ENgineering progress10.14416/j.asep.2022.11.001 (lire)
Applied Science and Engineering Progress Academic Enhancement Department King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok 2022
Experimental Investigation on Dimensional Stability and Cutting Quality in Cutting Process of Sugar Palm Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composites with Laser Beam and Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Technologies, Fibers and Polymers Springer 2022 (lire)
Fibers and Polymers 2022
Voir toutes les publications (HAL)