École d’ingénierie mécanique et numérique

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News: page 3

28 02 18

2018 SEM annual conference and exposition on experimental and applied mechanics

June 4–7, 2018, Greenville, South Carolina, USA   Special Session on Recycled Constituent Composites   The session on Recycled Constituent Composites includes processing and characterization of composites manufactured from recycled materials. These composites exhibit light weight and high strength, while having a low manufacturing cost. Industry has seen an increasing demand for high performance, low […]

28 02 18

Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2018

Emin Bayraktar, professor at Supméca, welcomes you to the international Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies AMPT-2018-DUBLIN-IRELAND 4th – 7th September 2018 Dublin City University, Ireland Website: AMPT2018 Conference website   Important dates are: Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th April 2018 Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 4th May 2018 Early Bird Registration Deadline: 15th July […]

21 02 18

Supméca International Day 2018

L’International Day du 15 février dernier a permis, pour sa 8e édition, de sensibiliser les étudiants de 1re année aux enjeux de l’interculturalité en milieu professionnel via une conférence assurée par Ewa Gallou et Kerstin Martel, intervenantes extérieures et consultantes en management interculturel. Les jeunes Mécasupiens ont également profité de cette journée pour se renseigner sur les partenariats académiques de l’école. Ils ont ainsi rencontré […]

14 11 17

Remarkable liquid materials called colloids stiffen under impact

Remarkable liquid materials called colloids stiffen under impact.

Researchers from l’ETH Zurich in Switzerland, from the California Institute of Technology in the USA and from Supméca in France have determined how certain liquids stiffen in response to powerful impacts such as the ones from firearms or micrometeorites. This work is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United […]

20 10 17

7th International Symposium on Aircraft Materials

Supméca is sponsoring the 7th edition of the International Symposium on AirCraft MAterials (ACMA 2018), to be held in April 24-26th 2018, Compiègne, France. ACMA is a series that started in 2007 and has progressed successfully over the years. All its past conference venues were located in Morocco (Agadir 2007, 2008, 2016; Marrakech 2010, 2014; […]

01 10 17

Young researchers and good vibrations at Supméca

Les Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB) sont deux journées organisées pour les doctorants et post-doctorants dans les domaines de la mécanique vibratoire et acoustique. Elles auront lieu les 16 et 17 novembre à Supméca et au CNAM. C’est une conférence gratuite pour les doctorants et les post-doctorants présentant leurs travaux. Elle […]

20 09 17

EPICES has ended and results are available online

The EPICES (European Platform for Innovation and Collaboration between Engineer Students) project was co-funded by Erasmus+ and managed by the French National Erasmus+ Agency under the Key Action 2 “Strategic Partnership” program with the reference 2014-1-FR01-KA203-008560. It started on September 1st, 2014 and ended on January 31, 2017. Coordinated by ISMEP-Supmeca (France), it also involved […]